Sunday, January 09, 2005

Is the US Generous or Stingy?

There has been a wave of criticism of the United States as being "stingy" re: our government's initial pledge of support for the tsunami victims. Ironically, the criticizers are people who are not personally making substantial contributions, they are commentators and spokespeople.
How dare them judge the US on the topic of generosity!
We are the most generous nation in the history of the world!!! Both our government and our citizens give more than any other entity on earth. Even though Australia and some others have made larger government pledges than the US government, check the real results, the actual monies and services being contributed to all the main charities, e.g. The Red Cross. Then look at the resources we have committed, like helicopters, ships, and information services.
What you will find is that you can be proud once again to be an American. We are leading the world and probably always will. We are the most compassionate and generous people in existence.
We help people whether we agree with their politics or not.
Besides; look at how much we are contributing to the future welfare of the people of Iraq. Our presence there is not to destroy but to build. WE are diminishing the threat to the Iraqis and building a base for them to be free and self sustaining.
Let's remember that we are a good people. We care about human life and even when we go to war it is to advance human life and personal freedom. Nobody else aside from our allies is similarly committed.
I'm very proud to be an American!