Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Secret to your Success - Leadership

Open any newspaper or magazine today and you will find a mention if not a feature on The Secret (the book & the DVD). This phenomenal product was created by Rhonda Byrne and includes some of my good friends; James Ray, Jack Canfield, Denis Waitley and others. They are speaking about the concept known as "The Law of Attraction."
Simply stated this law says, what you focus your attention on tends to move toward you. This is even true on the simple physical level. When riding a bike, if there is an obstacle in the road, by looking at it you almost assure that you will collide with it. So we are taught to look at the unobstructed path around the obstacle, not at the obstacle itself. Try it sometime, in a safe area, pick a point in the road ahead of you and look at it while intending to avoid it. You will "hit" it instead. Then look just to the side of it and you'll avoid it.
On the metaphysical level this means that what you think about will "come upon you." If you think about success you will surely achieve it. If you think about your fear of not succeeding, failure will be yours. It takes much training to get our thoughts and feelings under our guidance. They are used to following their own lead.
But the payoff for taking control of what you think about, how you think about it and how you allow yourself to feel about it, is huge! This is the most important work you can ever do because it will allow you to do everything else you ever decide to do.
I've proven it in my own life repeatedly and I've seen countless others learn to do it too.
It comes down to Self Leadership. You need to take charge of yourself.

If you don't take charge of you, others will. Everyone is led, but only the successful few are self led. That's because they have decided to and committed to doing so.
Start today to notice how you think and feel. Start keeping a journal or log of your thoughts and feelings each day. Study the patterns over several weeks and see the links between your thinking and your outcomes.

Read inspirational messages each day. Listen to podcasts and recordings that uplift you and show you how to own your life. Write out your primary goals and look at them every day, several times a day. Train your mind to focus on what you want, not what you fear.
You can have the life you want, but first the Universe needs to know from your thoughts what it is specifically that you want. Send the messages clearly and live as the person who is about to receive them.
You deserve an abundant life. And the rest of us need the contributions you can make as you become more successful.