by Jim Cathcart
Today's news is filled with coverage of the devastation Californians are experiencing from San Diego (near Mexico) to Santa Clarita, (just north of Los Angeles). The area affected by the fires was reported this morning to be 385 square miles and that's not including the fire free areas in the region. Here is a link to some photos of the crisis in San Diego (150 miles south of where I live). These photos were taken by professional photographer, K.C. Alfred. My management team, SpeakersOffice, Inc. based in Carlsbad, near La Costa, had to evacuate their offices and their homes. The people are fine but the property is clearly at risk. Your prayers are welcomed.
As you can see, it is a horrifying mess. But there are good spots too. Thankfully my immediate family has been spared the flames. We live in Ventura County just 45 miles north of LAX airport on the way to Santa Barbara. Our home has been repeatedly coated with ashes and smoke filled the air here yesterday but right now the skies are clear and the wind has slowed considerably. The wind is the fear factor. It makes everything worse, and yesterday it was relentless.
On Sunday the Fire Department's Scooper Planes flew right over our home repeatedly to capture water from Lake Sherwood to use against the Malibu fires just over the hill from here. One of my neighbors, Tom Miller, took these photos outside his home.

I dropped in on the local fire department this morning and spoke with the Chief. I asked what kind of help they needed: volunteers, errand runners, clerical support, or just somebody to do the chores while they focus on fighting fires. He said that thankfully we are not in the path at present and their needs are covered. I left my cell number in case things change.
The coming weeks will reveal just how much our help is needed throughout this area. For now all we can do is stay alert, be ready to help or evacuate as the case may be, and keep our wits about us. This is a time when all other agenda items take second place. Human needs come first. And, please follow the directions of your fire and police personnel, they are striving to protect you and your homes.
We are not separated by gender, age, religion, politics, memberships, race or anything else at times like this. We are all Americans, neighbors, friends and fellow members of the human race. We're in this together so we must be willing to do our part to help everyone. In times like this, please let your local fire departments and public agencies know that you are willing to help. Even if you can't do much physical labor, you can still make phone calls, process information, do online information gathering, call friends to organize volunteer teams, pitch in to handle the simple chores that might keep the fire fighters and emergency personnel from being distracted, and more.
Tomorrow we will get back to business but today we need each other very much.
As Neil Diamond sings in his song "Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show":
"Brothers & Sisters you've got two good hands and when your fellow man is in need, reach out one of those hands, 'cause that's what it's there for. And when you are in need reach that other hand to the Man up Above 'cause that's what He's there for."
Amen, May God watch over all of those who are in need today.
Here is a link to a YouTube performance that will truly inspire you. It lasts through two songs and is well worth the viewing.
In the Spirit of Service,
Jim Cathcart
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