There is a video clip on YouTube showing former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich exploring the difference between the part of our world that works, like Federal Express, and the part that doesn't like the government's approach to immigration reform. It's short, amusing and disturbing as well. To find the link just Google "Newt, Fedex" and you'll find the active link.
On October 16, 2007 I attended a lecture by Speaker Gingrich and had the chance to chat with him one on one for a few minutes beforehand. He was gracious and approachable as well as relaxed and fun to be with. This prolific author, consummate political leader and highly credentialed historian gave one of the most relaxed and yet persuasive speeches I've seen in recent years. He has an easy speaking style that encourages active thought. It's clear that he's been a professor for many years because he truly wants you to think, question and learn.
He points out in his book, Winning The Future, that we currently face five real and daunting threats in America.
1. The possibility of Islamic terrorists acquiring and launching nuclear or biological weapons.
2. That God will be driven from public life.
3. That America's sense of patriotism will continue to decline.
4. That our schools will not strengthen to meet the coming competition from China and India.
5. That our aging population will overwhelm the resources of Social Security and Medicare.
Much elaboration can be done on each of these and I'm willing to do so, but for this article I simply want to make you aware of these as priorities for all of us.
Despite any party differences we must address these issues before all others, as a nation, if we are to survive another generation as Americans.
Our enemies are not the type who would be content with territorial victories. They want world domination for their "religion" and they are content to take innocent lives in order to gain it. We must fight them on all fronts with all means until they yield.
Our faith in God gives us a depth of conviction that nonbelievers don't have. We must keep faith as a central element in our society and defend our first amendment right to practice our faith unrestricted by our government and courts. Without faith there is no higher purpose to life or to our country.
Americans who still hold allegiance to their former country are NOT Americans at all. They are foreigners who simply live here. They do not deserve any of our citizen's rights or privileges, just as we don't in their countries. All immigrants must learn to become Americans if they are to stay here. They need to learn our history, our Constitution and our language. If they do not, then in one or two generations we will no longer be America, but rather merely a land of competing languages and allegiances.
We've got to stop tolerating token education. We must demand that our students master their subjects and graduate with honor and dignity. If we don't then our country will become one of the lesser players in the world and our quality of life will decline accordingly.
People take care of their own money when given the chance. We know how to shop for good deals and how to avoid rip offs. This must apply to Social Security. Put people back in charge of their money through private accounts and give them choices. And, stop the government from borrowing Social Security funds. The system cannot endure as it is currently structured. It was built for a world in which the life expectancy was 62 and Social Security paid out starting at 65. It's time for REAL change.
Make sure your candidates agree on these topics and then hold them accountable when in office. We don't have the option to make these lesser priorities. This is America's primary agenda whether it likes it or not. We can endure and thrive but not on the path we are currently traveling.
Respectfully and urgently submitted,
Jim Cathcart
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