Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tom Antion's "Butt Camp"

by Jim Cathcart

This past weekend I attended Tom Antion's famous "Butt Camp" (how to make money on the internet while sitting on your butt.) Tom has earned millions by practicing what he preaches and I've known him for years. In fact we are business partners in the Professional Speaking Institute, co-founded by myself and the late Bill Brooks.

Tom inspired me, once again, to revamp and extend my internet presence. I've started daily participation in the main social networks like and
Next I'll be posting more videos online and offering more products in digital form.

Right now I have two $9.95 e-books available to you at no charge on my other blog: Relationship Intelligence Blog.

Watch your email and stay tuned to these blogs for lots of news. If you'd like to join my Discussion Group on Facebook just go to my profile and sign up for the Relationship Intelligence Group. Then you can read and comment on the ideas and concepts there.
I appreciate your attention and look forward to finding more ways to be of value to you.

In the Spirit of Growth,

1 comment:

Connie Ragen Green said...

Tom is indeed inspirational. I have also put some of his latest suggestions into practice right away.