Thursday, August 07, 2008

I, too, now love New York!

By Jim Cathcart

For the past week I've been in New York's famous Times Square at the Marriott Marquis hotel to attend the annual meeting of the National Speakers Association (3,700 members) and the International Federation For Professional Speakers (the worldwide network of associations for speakers.) Total attendance at this week-long event was around 2,000 (in a down economy!)

Here is what it looked like at the opening general session. By the way, the theme for the convention was "NSA Rocks!" and it really did. 

The convention is the professional association's big yearly event where they offer several days of general sessions and breakout workshops on every imaginable topic related to speaking, training, consulting, coaching, performing, publishing, storytelling and communication in general. NSA is one of the best (certified via awards from ASAE and MPI) convention associations in the world. 

As a past national president of NSA and recipient of its CSP, CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame and Cavett Award, I was involved from start to finish on boards, committees, panels, workshops, doing introductions, bestowing awards and giving presentations. But the highlight of the event for me was the "free night", Sunday. I and several of my colleagues got together to hold an "Informal Jam Session" in the Astor Ballroom. We brought guitars, keyboard, harmonicas, tambourines, ukeleles, flutes, songbooks and microphones. 
Then for FIVE HOURS we rocked the room! I sang for most of the five hours and sounded like a frog the next morning. Many professional speakers joined in and displayed their impressive musical talents. Here are some photos for your enjoyment. 
Those in the pix are myself and Patrick Henry, Alan Berg, Daniel Burrus and Rob Peck. 

No, I don't want to live in New York City, but there are few places I've been where I've had this much fun!
Thank you NSA and New York.

Join Me at SynergyStreet!


Stephen Tweed said...

What fun, Jim ... thanks for posting your pictures from New York. What a fabulous convention. It was great to be there for the Jam Session.

Best regards,


Andrea Gold-Gold Stars Speakers Bureau said...

Thanks for sharing your comments. Great to see you there, Jim! I too was at the convention (I am originally from NY/NJ so that added to the fun), and it most certainly did ROCK! I totally got a kick out of everyone dressing up like rock stars for opening session and everyone who presented was a true star for the valuable info that they shared. The energy was fabulous, the networking (it's like a reunion) was terrific and I totally recommend attending the next NSA event for those who did not make it this year!