Wednesday, January 02, 2008
2008 is Your Year!
by Jim Cathcart
Now is the time, this is the place and YOU are the one!
Reflect for a moment on how far you've come in your life.
Now notice that you were able to do all of that without knowing everything you know now. Since now is your new starting point, look at how much more you can achieve!
Your mind may be presenting you with reasons why this might not be true. It may be saying, "But what about the economy? If only I knew the right people, had less debt, didn't have my current problems to solve, had more spare time, was in better shape, didn't face this project deadline, knew where the opportunities were...etc."
Don't blame your mind for this, that's its job; showing you the potential obstacles. But please recognize this process for what it is, just the natural mental process for moving toward a goal. First it sees the goal, then it starts identifying the obstacles and that you can eliminate them. Seriously. That is how minds work.
If we permit our fears, warnings and alarms to stop us in our tracks then no progress will ever be made. We must advance intelligently despite our concerns. Yes, "despite" them.
2008 is your year. No kidding. It is very likely that you will live all year. It's also likely that you will encounter many opportunities in addition to those that surround you today. So, how are you going to use this year? To wait or to work?
I suggest you make this your "year of engagement." Pledge to yourself right now that this year you will be involved. When doubts occur, take action by getting in touch with someone else or attending an event or starting a project or volunteering to help someone. Raise your hand, speak up in meetings, stand up and be counted, let your voice be heard. Let people know what you think. Stand out from the crowd.
On New Year's Eve I had a delightful conversation with a neighbor about fitness. He mentioned that he didn't have "the self-discipline" that I have. I told him that though I do exercise almost every day, at least 80% of the time, at first I don't want to get up and go exercise. Therefore I have formed the habit of getting myself to show up. Not to exercise, just to show up for exercise. I've found that when I can commit to just getting dressed for the workout and stepping out the door, everything else seems to take care of itself. So, I don't dread the workout or the cold weather or the inconvenience of it all. I just dread the process of getting dressed and walking out the door. That is easy to overcome. So, I find myself working out six days a week on average, and I have no weight or fitness problems and seldom get ill.
What happens when you Show Up is...everything.
Until you speak out or take initiative or just begin something, the rest of your world waits to pitch in to help you. Even your mind won't give you the best ideas until it senses that you have made a commitment to get something done.
So let this be the year when you get into the habit of making your moves. Let yourself and the rest of us know that you want "in" on what's happening. We are eager to help you succeed.
In the Spirit of Growth,
Jim Cathcart
copyright 2008
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